Locally Made, Unbeatable Price
How do Monophone Guestbooks work?
The phone becomes part of the celebration.
Upload your greeting message to your Monophone. This is as simple as picking up the handset and leaving a message.
Your beloved guests leave a heartfelt message.
Your Monophone is ready for guests to use by simply picking the phone up. They will hear your greeting message followed by a beep which indicates recording has begun.
Keep memories you can listen to forever.
After your event simply plug your Monophone into your computer and save your recordings forever.
Hi, my name is Devon Kivell and I am the founder of Monophone. Monophone has become one of the largest sellers of reusable audio guestbooks because of price and reliability. I am currently attending Queen's University for electrical engineering. I started this business because my sister wanted an Audio Guestbook for her wedding but there were only rental options and none of them were affordable, that's where Monophone comes in. Your Monophone is yours to keep, this allows you to endlessly reuse your Monophone for multiple events with the greeting message being changeable.
Superior Service, Personalized Attention
"Monophone provided us with a unique and unforgettable experience for both our guests and ourselves. We will cherish these voicemails for years to come"
— Jessica, 2022 Bride
Listen up.
A real audio message left on a Monophone Audio Guestbook
At Monophone we believe in providing an easy and quality user experience. Please find below some of the most notable features provided with a Monophone Audio Guestbook.
No Time Limit on Recordings
The Greeting Message can be recorded directly/uploaded
32GB Storage
10ft Power Cable
Automatic Background Noise Reduction
Easy File Removal
Power Adapter Included (North America)
Can be Reused Endlessly
Custom Orders Available
Contact us.
(289) 941-1898
138 Maple Dr
Hamilton, ON L8G 4X6
All Photography done by @nicholealfonsophoto